
Investors News

TKU: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months)

TKU: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months)03:3426/07/2021

TKU: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months)

Sector News

Công ty trong nghi vấn gian lận xuất xứ hơn 4,3 tỉ USD nhôm và mối quan hệ với 'vua nhôm' Trung Quốc

Công ty trong nghi vấn gian lận xuất xứ hơn 4,3 tỉ USD nhôm và mối quan hệ với 'vua nhôm' Trung Quốc05:2131/10/2019

As Customs Department of Vietnam has found a USD4.3 billion of aluminum smuggled into Vietnam before getting exported to the US, the company was found to be the importer of the smuggled products. Newspapers speculate that the company is linked to Chinese billionaire Mr. Liu Zhongtian and his company China Zhongwang