
Sector News

Hà Nam: Công ty Nhựa Đông Á bị cưỡng chế 2,8 tỷ đồng tiền nợ thuế

Hà Nam: Công ty Nhựa Đông Á bị cưỡng chế 2,8 tỷ đồng tiền nợ thuế05:1416/10/2019

Ha Nam taxation department has issued decision regarding enforcement of enterprise income tax (EIT) arrears toward Dong A plastic company. In details, as stipulated in circular No. 215/2013/TT-BTC ò Ministry of finance, the taxation department directly deducted VND 2.8 billions from banking account of Dong A plastic LLC to arrear tax debts. Simultaneously, the company was asked to complete tax debts on time. The decision will be active from October 18 to November 11, 2019.