

  • HLC: to Issue 2.2Mln New Shares

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    Vinacomin - Ha Lam Coal JSC. (HLC) announced:

  • HLC: to Float 2,655,675 New Shares Aug 18

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    Vinacomin - Ha Lam Coal JSC (HLC) will float 2,655,675 new shares on the Hanoi Stock Exchange on August 18, raising its total number of shares listed on the bourse to 2,655,675 units, the Exchange posted on its website on August 11.

  • HLC: Gets Ok to List 2.7Mln New Shares

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    Vinacomin - Ha Lam Coal JSC (HLC) has got an approval in principle from the Hanoi Stock Exchange to list 2,655,675 new shares on the bourse, the Exchange posted on its website on August 11.

  • HLC: Gets Ok to List 2,655,675 New Shares on HNX

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    Vinacomin - Ha Lam Coal JSC (HLC) has got an approval from the Hanoi Stock Exchange to list 2,655,675 new shares on the bourse, the Exchange posted on its website on July 25.

  • HLC: Gets Ok to List 2,655,675 New Shares

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    Vinacomin - Ha Lam Coal JSC (HLC) has got an approval from the Hanoi Stock Exchange to list 2,655,675 new shares on the bourse, the Exchange posted on its website on July 1.

  • HLC: IR Officer to Buy 10,000 Shares

    03:59 | 22/10/2015

    The Hanoi Stock Exchange listed Ha Lam - TKV Coal Joint Stock Company (HLC) announces that Investor Relation Officer registered to buy 10,000 shares.